Timetable 2025
In 2025, each class runs from 9am to 3pm on their designated day, with the options for children to attend an Extended Hours program from 3pm to 5pm on their class day.
Robert Cochrane Kindergarten offers two 3 year-old classes (Possums and Koalas) with 20 places available in each class.
We also offer two 4 year-old classes (Wombats and Emus) with 22 places available in each class.
Fees 2025
In 2025, Robert Cochrane Kindergarten will continue to opt-in to the Victorian Government ‘Free Kinder Scheme’. The funds provided by the Government under this scheme fall short of our operating costs to provide a high quality program for our children. Therefore, the kinder requests a voluntary donation (tax deductible) from each family.
These contributions are critical to ensuring our kindergarten remains financially viable. The contributions go direcly towards the running of the kindergarten including class materials and supplies, incursions/excursions, music and environmental programs and administration costs.